30 Mayıs 2008 Cuma
Problem is an obstacle which occurs when there exists something wrong and something unknown.It includes difficulty and uncertanity.
a) What does “method” mean?
This is a way of solving problems.When we have a method, we can reach a solution quickly and easily because of a definite plan.
b) What does “methodology” mean?
Methodology can be defined as a procedure which includes information about a specific aspect.It is a system in which the methods are found.
a) What does “theory” mean?
While reality includes statements which are not changeable and don’t depend on someone, theory does not need facts.It is supported by many facts which is collected over time.
b) What does “hypothesis” mean?
It can be imaginable as a suggestion to a scientific research.It is tested for validity of conducting research.If there is a mistake, this hypothesis has no value so it must be changed.
c) What does “paradigm” mean?
It comes from a Greek word paradeigma which means an example or a model.It constitutes a view of reality and described as a set of assumptions.
a) What is “strategy”?
It is also a Greek word strategos which derives from two words stratos and ago.Their means are army and ancient Greek for leading.It is used in order to reach a goal which is determined before.
b) What is “plan”?
It includes informations which show us what is next and these informations should be showed explicitly in an orderly arrengement.
c) What is “control”?
It can be defined as any action which is taken by management.Control is used to fix a function of a unit or it provides keeping the same procedure.
a) What is “model”?
Model is a way of showing something simplicity.It based on observed phenomena so that people can imagine similar idea or process of real structure.
b) What is “snowball effect”?
It is a represantational word.For example, when a snow becomes a snowball, it gains more mass and surface.Similarly, when we consider a process, it starts from an initial position and becomes larger with some adding informations over time.It may be dangerous though it has benefical sides.
c) What is “waterfall diagram”?
It is a diagram which shows us a process.That is, we can see a process as a linear flow of steps.
a) What does “validation/validity” mean?
It means a process of checking whether a statement is true or not.
b) What does “significance” mean?
It is a term which tells us meanings.It shows that there exist differences or reletionships in everything.
c) What does “reliability” mean?
Reliability is a set of data and experiments.It includes tests which measure validity of a thing.It sometimes reported as probability.
d) What does “relevance/relevant” mean?
It describes how something has similar sides and is connected with another.
a) What is an “event”?
It has a lot of meanings.It is a case which occurs at a certain time.
b) What is a “process”?
Process is a formation which has changes in systems.Its result have transformations in objects studied.
c) What is a “life cycle”?
It is a time period of someone or something.Life cycle refers to successions used by management in a product.It is a process which is gone through over time.
a) What does “iterative” mean?
It can be defined as an act which is same before.That is, when something is iterative, this means that it repeats itself until there is a different condition.
b) What does “sequential” mean?
Its means that an action or system follows another in a fixed order.Sequential things are related to eachother in some way.
9- Correlate beautiful vs. Kitsch picture taking exercise with “data collection”, “observation”, “abstraction” and “awareness”.
A data collection means collecting datas for a project.When you take a beautiful vs. kitsch picture, you need some datas to your project and you must collect them.
Observation should exist in order to perceive the knowledge of phenomenon.There is a difference between seeing and looking.It is important that you should be aware of everything which is around you when you are expected to see the differences between beautiful and kitsch pictures.
Everyone had an unrealistic idea at a time.You should improve your imagination so that you can see what happens in real life easily.Abstraction helps us to see different things when we take a photo.
Awareness also helps us to realize our environment.We can see similarities or differences between objects.Therefore; it brings us perception which is necessary for taking beautiful vs. kitsch pictures.
28 Nisan 2008 Pazartesi
1 Nisan 2008 Salı
Mürüvet Karacan
Ömer Kıncılar
Ezgi Özkök
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Erdi Eyüboğlu
Project Definition:
Manufacturing a clipboard which can be produced and sold easily.
Our main goal is to produce a poster display.We want to professional on this business.Our target is satisfying the customers and gaining profit.Our product has this properties:
-From recycled and eco-friendly materials
-Storable/ demountable
-Easy poster-placement and removing
-Market success - attractive
-Appropriate for mass production
-Be produced by physically handicapped workers.
Products and Services
Selling of the products is done in two ways:
1.Via internet for retail
2.From the factory directly
We produce just one type of poster display-no alternative color or materials. Employees who are physically handicapped can easily work with the production of the poster display.Beside since the poster displays are very lightweight,they can be easily carried and do not give any harm to workers. That’s why all raw meterials are wood product, we just made a deal with one company. Briefly all the components come from the same company .
We sell our product via internet mainly and we don’t spend extra money for the shop and employee expenses.We advertise our product in universities and high schools with using stands.For this way we can approach our taret groups.
Future Plans
We start our production process with one type of poster display.But in the future we intend to able to produce new types of poster diplay. But our products always have easy –producible forwhy we can engage physically-handicapped workers for any jobs.
Target Market
Target Customers
For our poster display, target market is very comprehensive. The area of our target market is wide.
Origin and Profile of the Customer
There are four main customer types which are;
1) Education Institutions: our product can be very useful in education institutions especially universities and high schools.
2) Firms: there is a strong demand for the poster displays especially the ones like ours for business meetings.
3) Convention Centers: convention centers need to use our poster display to display posters that are used in convention centers.
4) Exhibitions: exhibitions use clipboards to exhibit pictures or photographs.
The concept and the product image of this clipboard adresses two customer types.
The types of consumers are;
1) People who need a lot of area to display their poster.
2) Teachers who teach the subjects by using visual materials as the education system are getting more efficient with visual impact.
Market Analysis and Future
In today’s industrial world, there is always a need for clipboards. But this need is not fixed. As the technology is developed there will be a great decrease of the clipboard need. However, the computer systems can not reach the level of fighting with classical boards. In addition the education system of the day presses the educators to use visual things so that clipboards are still in demand.
There are about 23 groups that design, produce and sell poster display. This shows that there is a big and strong market.The new competitors have been included in the market successfully with new ideas.We will be in the market with competitive plans, as well.
The profile of competitors:
The categories of our competitors:
1- Groups that have been in the market for a long time.
2- New groups in the market
First kind of groups control the market now.Their costumers are big companies.Therefore,the new groups that try to sell their products to same profile of costumers and not bring innovators can not hold on to market easily.
Competition Strategy:
Although it is difficult to hold on to market for new groups,we and our product are qualified enough.We will be included and compete in the market owing to these ways:
1- The qualifications of the materials used for our product
2- The facility of transportation
Firstly,the material of Caoutchouc will let us access the students and the schools which do not find the suitable product in the recent market.We will be unique.Secondly,we will transpor our product to our costumers,which the groups do not spend money for.This will be a big reason for costumers to choose us.
Marketing Plan
Our new marketing focus, made explicit in this plan, renews our vision and strategic focus on adding value to our target market segments, the small business and high-end home office users, in our local market.Our marketing challenge is to position our product and service offerings as the high-quality, high value.
We are planning to sell our project by some strategies.Approximately 200 YTL are planned to spend so that we can do advertisement for our poster display.
Cost Analysis
The amount of money needed for the product a poster display is approximately 200 YTL.Our product consists of two main parts ,namely, standings and display parts.
The display parts which is formed three parts consist of wood frame (pine tree) and caoutchouc.
Frame of display (wood) costs 20 YTL*3=60YTL
Hinges cost 3YTL*4=12YTL
Caoutchouc costs 23YTL*3=69YTL
The standing parts which consists of three legs cost 15 YTL*3=45 YTL
Nails cost 4YTL
Overall cost is 190 YTL.
Marketing price is 235 YTL.
Our profit is approximately 25% for each product.
Marketing Strategies
We use different types of marketting tools in order to show existing a business enterprise.Our other aim is to provide people can notice our project.There are some tolls to introduce our project:
-some exhibitions and galleries,
-some seminars and conferences rooms,
Our Future Plans and Strategies
Thanks to the well-marketing, we can consider expand other city to sell our products.We can vary our poster display and increase the capacity of the production.
30 Mart 2008 Pazar
Types of engineers
Aeronautical or Astronautical engineers- Study jet engines and aircraft design. They may also work on applications for space missions.
Agricultural engineers- Design farm equipment, animal shelters, crop systems, and product processing systems.
Chemical engineers- Develop processes and products made with chemicals perhaps in the food, petroleum, or pharmaceutical industries.
Civil engineers- Design roads, buildings, transportation systems, and other large-scale construction projects. Categories within this area may include structural, environmental, geological, hydraulic, transportation and construction engineering.
Electrical and computer engineers-Design, construct, and maintain electronic systems, which may include working with computer chips, circuits and electronic communications.
Geological engineers- Solves earth related technical problems while at the same time protecting the environment.
Industrial engineers- Plan and design industrial and business facilities for the best product quality and employee working conditions.
Materials engineers- Study metals, ceramics, plastics, and composites to design materials for applications that may involve transportation, communication or power production.
Mechanical engineers- Create machines and may work on transportation systems, power production or performance analysis.
Nuclear engineers- Work with nuclear reactors, fusion and radiation applications.
Industrial Engineers' Role Regarding Other Types of Engineers:
Industrial engineers and Manufacturing engineers use their expertise in equipment, material, procedures, human resources and production methods to assist organizations in improving their efficiency, effectiveness and productivity. Industrial engineers are concerned with the management side of operations, while Manufacturing engineers focus on the Manufacturing process. The broad span of their knowledge allows them to work in almost every type of business.
Industrial engineers plan, organize, supervise and manage the operations of industries to ensure economical, safe and effective use of materials, energy and people.An Industrial engineer may:
-Figure out how to produce a GameBoy Advanced more quickly
-Examine fish processing plants for safety
-Oversee an assembly line at Subaru
-Plan and design systems that increase productivity by improving integration of people, materials, equipment and finance
What Engineers Do
Engineering as a Profession
What is Engineering Technology (ET)?
Engineering technology is the profession in which a knowledge of mathematics and natural sciences gained by higher education, experience, and practice is devoted primarily to the implementation and extension of existing technology for the benefit of humanity. Engineering technology education focuses primarily on the applied aspects of science and engineering aimed at preparing graduates for practice in that portion of the technological spectrum closest to the produce improvement, manufacturing, and engineering operational functions.
ET programs are characterized by their focus on application and practice and by their approximately 50/50 mix of theory and laboratory experience.
Examples of engineering technology jobs include:
-Engineering Technologist
-Field Engineer
-Management Trainee
-Software Engineer
-Applications Engineer
-Senior Technical Associate
-Sales Representative
-Project Manager
Origins of Engineering and Beginning of Engineering Education
The first schools of engineering were founded in France in the middle of the 18th century.By the turn of the century,France had established military and polytechnic schools to teach engineering that produced such notables as Laplace, Lagrange, and Fourier.The first engineer known by name and achievement is Imhotep, builder of the Step Pyramid at Saqqarah,Egypt, probably in about 2550 BC.
My Preference

29 Mart 2008 Cumartesi
Henry Fayol

2-Authority. The right to give orders and the power to exact obedience.
3-Discipline. No slacking, bending of rules. The workers should be obedient and respectful of the organization.
4-Unity of command. Each employee has one and only one boss.
5-Unity of direction. A single mind generates a single plan and all play their part in that plan.
6-Subordination of Individual Interests. When at work, only work things should be pursued or thought about.
7-Remuneration. Employees receive fair payment for services, not what the company can get away with.
8-Centralization. Consolidation of management functions. Decisions are made from the top.
9-Chain of Superiors (line of authority). Formal chain of command running from top to bottom of the organization, like military
10-Order. All materials and personnel have a prescribed place, and they must remain there.
11-Equity. Equality of treatment (but not necessarily identical treatment)
12-Personnel Tenure. Limited turnover of personnel. Lifetime employment for good workers.
13-Initiative. Thinking out a plan and do what it takes to make it happen.
14-Esprit de corps. Harmony, cohesion among personnel. It's a great source of strength in the organisation. Fayol stated that for promoting esprit de corps, the principle of unity of command should be observed and the dangers of divide and rule and the abuse of written communication should be avoided.
Max Weber

Max Weber (1864-1920) was known as one of the founders of the modern study of sociology and public administration.He began his career at the University of Berlin.Weber's major works deal with rationalization in sociology of religion and government.The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism is his most famous essay.
His own words on sociology:
"Sociology . . . is a science concerning itself with the interpretive understanding of social action and thereby with a causal explanation of its course and consequences. We shall speak of 'action' insofar as the acting individual attaches a subjective meaning to his behavior--be it overt or covert, omission or acquiescence. Action is 'social' insofar as its subjective meaning takes account of the behavior of others and is thereby oriented in its course"
"Within the realm of social conduct one finds factual regularities, that is, courses of action which, with a typically identical meaning, are repeated by the actors or simultaneously occur among numerous actors. It is with such types of conduct that sociology is concerned, in contrast to history, which is interested in the causal connections of important, i.e., fateful, single events."
"An ideal type is formed by the one-sided accentuation of one or more points of view and by the synthesis of a great many diffuse, discrete, more or less present and occasionally absent concrete individual phenomena, which are arranged according to those one-sidedly emphasized viewpoints into a unified analytical construct. . . . In its conceptual purity, this mental construct . . . cannot be found empirically anywhere in reality"
Abraham Harold Maslow

Abraham Harold Maslow was born April 1,1908 in Brooklyn,New York.Firstly he studied law at the City College of New York in order to satisfy his parents.After three semesters, he started to consider with psychology.He received his BA in 1930,his MA in 1931,and his PhD in 1934, all in psychology, all from the University of Wisconsin.He began teaching at Brooklyn College.Maslow served as the chair of the psychology department at Brandeis from 1951 to 1969.
One of the many interesting things Maslow noticed while he worked with monkeys early in his career, was that some needs take precedence over others. For example, if you are hungry and thirsty, you will tend to try to take care of the thirst first. After all, you can do without food for weeks, but you can only do without water for a couple of days! Thirst is a “stronger” need than hunger. Likewise, if you are very very thirsty, but someone has put a choke hold on you and you can’t breath, which is more important? The need to breathe, of course. On the other hand, sex is less powerful than any of these. Let’s face it, you won’t die if you don’t get it!

17 Mart 2008 Pazartesi

A Poster Display Design
The poster display consists of two main parts which are standings and display parts.Display is formed 3 parts which can be easily closed as a triangle and opened as a rectangle owing to hinges.The material that is used for standings and frame of display part is wood.Caoutchouc is placed into frame so that people can hang up the posters with pins.The top of each of three standings and each display parts are attached eachother using nails.
Henry Ford and Assembly Line ,Division of Labor and Mass Production
Assembly line was Henry Ford's masterpiece.Without it, not many of us would have cars in fact none of us would probably have a car.It all goes to the curious man known as Henry Ford who died of old age. Although his company was almost bankrupt, he made history in the Industrial Revolution.Traditional assembly lines had come under criticism from those concerned with their effects on workers, but industrial robots now perform many of the repetitive tasks. Recent variations on the assembly-line process, such as teams of workers responsible for multiple steps, have increased productivity and employee interest.
automotive assembly line
Division of Labor:
Division of labour is the specialisation of cooperative labour in specific, circumscribed tasks and roles, intended to increase the productivity of labour. Historically the growth of a more and more complex division of labour is closely associated with the growth of total output and trade, the rise of capitalism, and of the complexity of industrialisation processes. Later, the division of labour reached the level of a scientifically-based management practice with the time and motion studies associated with Taylorism.The productivity gains of the division of labor are important within any type of production process, ranging from pin manufacture to software production to legal practice and medical care.
The division of labor makes trade necessary and is the source of economic interdependence.
Mass production is the creation of many products in a short period of time using time-saving techniques such as assembly lines and specialization. It allows a manufacturer to produce more per worker-hour, and to lower the labor cost of the end product. This in turn allows the product to be sold for a lower cost.
Prior to the wide-spread adoption of mass production techniques, a craftsman built a product from start to finish. This meant that he had to know all aspects of the assembly of the product, including the creation of the individual parts. A cabinetry craftsman, for instance, would have to be able to cut and finish the individual pieces, piece them together, affix the hardware and create whatever decorative effects such as marquetry or inlaid work the finished piece might require. Using mass production techniques, one worker might be responsible for cutting the boards, another for finishing them to size, a third for building the shelving hardware, and so on.
Mass production began during the Industrial Revolution, but took a great leap forward with the innovation of the assembly line, a conveyor that moved the product from one workman to another, with each individual adding their specialty part to the growing whole. On an assembly line, each worker only had to know how to affix or adjust one specific part, and therefore could keep only those tools and parts necessary for his particular task on hand.
Assembly lines brought a great decrease in time to a finished product, yet was attended by a number of less pleasant consequences. Over-specialization meant that individual workers had less marketable skills, which effectively enslaved them to a particular line. Mass production also led to increased incidence of repetitive stress syndrome; the repeated motions of doing the same task hundreds of times a day led to many workers living in pain much of the time. Increasingly, mass production assembly work is being taken over by special-purpose robotics, freeing many workers from the often backbreaking labor, yet resulting in less manufacturing jobs for the workers to compete for.
15 Mart 2008 Cumartesi
Frederick Winslow Taylor

1-Replace rule-of-thumb work methods with methods based on a scientific study of the tasks.
2-Scientifically select, train, and develop each employee rather than passively leaving them to train themselves.
3-Provide "Detailed instruction and supervision of each worker in the performance of that worker's discrete task".
4-Divide work nearly equally between managers and workers, so that the managers apply scientific management principles to planning the work and the workers actually perform the tasks
